The Kappa Alpha Psi Hymn

Oh noble Kappa Alpha Psi,
the pride of all our hearts.
True Manliness, fidelity,
thou ever dost impart
The Source of our delights and joys
and happiness thou art:
Oh noble Kappa Alpha Psi,
from thee we'll never part,
Oh noble Kappa Alpha Psi,
from thee we'll never part.
Now in the days of happiness,
of pleasure and good cheer,
I lift a cup of joy and health
to every member here;
To those who loved and toiled and strove
for thee in other years,
I give full honor and revere
our noble Brothers dear,
I give full honor and revere
our noble Brothers dear.
When all our student days are done
and we from school must go,
Still we will honor, love and sing
thy praises o'er and o'er,
We'll live for thee, we'll strive for thee,
we'll all thy ways adore;
We'll long for thee and toil until
we reach the Golden Shore,
We'll long for thee and toil until
we reach the Golden Shore.
